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Fortunately, the Milk

by Neil Gaiman

Review by Jai Hogue
Reading Level: 8-12
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Fortunately, the Milk

Who knew a quick trip to the corner store could end as a mission to save the earth from a plastic pink flamingo worshiping platoon of aliens? Every small task can end as an adventure story. Nothing relays this lesson better than Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell’s book, Fortunately, the Milk. When a father goes to get milk for his children’s breakfast and returns “ages and ages” later, he is able to explain his delay with a fantastic tale of silliness and heroism. Using objects around the room, much like Kevin Spacey’s character in The Usual Suspects, Gaiman takes us on a venture sure to spark the imagination and tickle the funny bone. This is a book that begs to be read aloud and will surely bring on a fit of giggles or two … or ten.

Genre: humorous, middle readers, read aloud, science fiction
Subjects: comic adventure, imagination, middle readers, silly
Illustrated by Chris Riddell