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How to Train Your Dragon

by Cressida Cowell

Review by Ivy 4th grade
Reading Level: 8+
This book is in stock

How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon is a book about a boy named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, the third and his crazy adventures.

Hiccup and his friend, Fishlegs, are the smallest boys in their tribe. Hiccup and nine other boys are part of a training program called Dragon Initiation, in that group, they have to go up a mountain in a hole full of baby dragons.

One thing I like about How to Train Your Dragon is that the book is hilarious.

If you like books that save the day, I think that you should read this book.

Do not think this book is like the movies- it’s much, much better.

Genre: adventure, fantasy, humorous
Series: How to Train Your Dragon | Subjects: dragon, Eccentrics and eccentricities, friendship, heroes, silly, warriors