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Theodosia Throckmorton Series

by R. L. LaFevers

Review by Maggie 5th grade
Reading Level: 9-12
This book is in stock

Theodosia Throckmorton Series

This review comes courtesy of our friend Maggie, a student here at the O.C.

Maggie has felt compelled to read this book over and over again. There are many things that she has in common with the main character- both have just turned 11 and have an annoying (sometimes) younger brother. She also enjoys the mix of Ancient Egypt and Modern England, two of her favorite places. Maggie also feels that the writing is very good.

Thanks for sharing this book with us!

Genre: mystery
Series: Theodosia Throckmorton Series | Subjects: ancient egypt, archaeology, england, independent girl
Illustrated by Yoko Tanaka