Clubs & Activities
Book & Art Groups
Our P.E. specialist Penny, offers fun after school, fee-based activities like Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, and Archery.
Come jump with us!
Do you want to get better at jump rope? Do you want to meet other cool kids that like to jump rope? Penny will be offering an afterschool jump rope opportunity on Wednesdays from 3-4pm starting Wed, Jan 29th and running until Wed, Mar 5th. We will meet in the gym to practice our skills and learn some fun jumping games. This opportunity is open to ALL students 1st-8th grade. At the end of the session, there will be a group challenge opportunity where we can test our skills against other students in the nation. This challenge will be voluntary. Any parents that can volunteer are welcome. There is no cost to participate.
Please email Penny if you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time.
Community Action
Interested in making a difference? Want to know what's going on at school? Students in 4-8 grade can run for Student Council! Meetings take place in the library during lunch. Schedule TBA.
Wednesdays will also host Newspaper and Debate groups for 3-8 graders.
Pokemon Trainers often meet on the playground during some of our recess periods. Bring your decks!
On Thursdays, students in grades 3-8 can meet in the library during lunch recess for D&D and tabletop games.
Silent Book Club & Spanish
Uppers Yearbook Explores Class
6th-8th grade students are currently helping design the OC yearbook. During the 2nd Term Explores class, they will design the cover and create artwork for the yearbook pages.
Do you have pictures to share? Email them with topic/class in subject line-
Have an idea for an after school club, sport, or lunch group? Talk to your homeroom teacher, Penny, or Karen.