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A picture collage of students exploring our school garden.


Our Beautiful Outdoor Classroom

The Garden Committee has worked hard to create a beautiful green space on our urban playground. Constructing boxes and a fence, researching grants, scheduling work parties, holding plant sales and more. In 2018 our school partnered with Wasatch Community Gardens to learn more about community gardening and make improvements.

Individual classes have adopted and cared for planter boxes and learned first-hand about cooperation, pollination, and food waste. 

Smaller learning groups have planned harvests, released beneficial insects, and painted containers.


Garden Expectations:

1. Only pick with permission.

2. Leave critters be.

4. Keep feet on the ground.


What will you find in our garden?

Vegetables, and greens growing in a colorful garden box located at the Open Classroom Garden

Healthy greens, veggies, and herbs. (2023)

A bright yellow sunflower growing in the Open Classroom Charter School Garden.

Beautiful flowers. (2023)

Our Open Classroom Garden, bright green and overflowing with food.

The garden in full swing during the summer of 2022.

A squirrel in a tree at the Salt Lake City Open Classroom Garden.

A squirrely visitor. (2021)


Our school mission and vision statements on tie-dye background.