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Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (2024)

OC student cast of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

Open Classroom theatrical performances have featured both licensed plays and original student creations.

Students are encouraged to participate in:

  • directing
  • set design & building
  • costuming
  • make-up
  • lighting & sound
  • advertising & concessions
  • choreography



Open Classroom students creating stage sets for a Shakespearean play.

Theater Tech students build the set for a 2017 performance of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Set was designed by an 8th grader as part of their graduation project.

Three Open Classroom students working with a Plan-B stage make-up expert.

Learning stage make-up with Plan-B Theatre. (2023)

Students sitting on the floor of a school hallway.

Nervously waiting to audition. (2023)

Open Classroom graduates on stage performing their end-of-year skit

8th grade students end the 2016-2017 school year by writing and performing a skit at their graduation celebration.



The words "Open Classroom" with a small penguin head in the first o.

Mission: The Open Classroom is a parent-cooperative learning community in which teachers and parents collaborate to educate the whole child and empower lifelong learners.  

Vision: The Open Classroom inspires authentic learning by engaging everyone in dynamic and evolving practices in a welcoming environment.