Meals & Nutrition
Meal and Nutrition Information
Breakfast is served from 8:00 AM-8:40 AM in the cafeteria
Check with your child's classroom teacher for their classroom lunch schedule.
Meal Prices for SY 2024-2025
FREE and REDUCED Price Student Meals
Lunch - $0.00 / Breakfast - $0.00
PAID Student Meals
Lunch - $2.00 / Breakfast - $1.00
Adult and Second Meals: Lunch - $3.75 / Breakfast - $2.75
Single Food Items - Entrée $2.00 / Fruit, Vegetable, or Side Dish $1.00 / Milk or Juice $0.50
IMPORTANT: Second student meals and non-enrolled child meals will be charged the full adult meal price
Pay for School Meals Online
MyPaymentsPlus is a state-of-the-art online service that provides you the convenience and information you need to manage your student’s meal account. This system speeds up serving lines in the cafeteria, eliminates the need to send checks to school or worry about lost or forgotten lunch money, and ensures that your child will receive a nutritious meal.
At no cost, MyPaymentsPlus allows you to check your student’s account balance online, view what your student has been eating in the cafeteria, and automatically receive email notifications when the account reaches a low balance. You can pay online into your student’s meal account using a check, credit card, or debit card. You can also use the Autopay feature to automatically replenish your student’s account when it reaches a low balance.
To sign up, simply visit: then Click on “Register Now.” You will need your student’s ID number to complete registration. If you don’t know your child’s student ID, please contact your school to obtain this information.
To aid in managing your student’s account on-the-go, MyPaymentsPlus also has a free mobile app available for iPhone, iPad and Android phones. For questions pertaining to managing your account or navigating through the MyPaymentsPlus website, please email or call 1-877-237-0946 (Option 8).
School Contact at Open Classroom
TBA, Cafeteria Manager
Cafeteria Staff
Celebrate Lunch Heroes Every Day
We have recently been forced to make slight changes to our menus. Last-minute changes by distributors who have been unable to fulfill all the supplies we’ve ordered have required schools to alter published menus. Most of the meal substitutions have been limited and likely went unnoticed. It will be some time before we see an easing in national supply-chain disruptions, which suppliers say are due to not having enough workers to fulfill orders, and these shortages are influencing local distributors and manufacturers as well. Our district is working hard to ensure students have healthy food options throughout the school year. However, there will be days when your child(ren)'s preferred menu option may not be available. Thank you for your patience and continued support.
Salt Lake City School District also faces a shortage of lunchroom workers and has dozens of openings for anyone who may be looking for work. You can find job openings at