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Library Learning Center


Finding Books

Watch for a new art exhibit  -Jump the Moon- coming to our library March 25 - April 25!

Jump the Moon


Karen Larson

Karen Larson

Paraprofessional I

I have worked in our school library since 2013.

We've read and checked out thousands of books together!


A bunch of happy students posing in a school library.
D&D supplies being used on a tan library table.
Students creating emergency contact lists as part of a Babysitters Club library event.
Student chess game on a tan table.

State Wide Book Ban Information:

We currently do not have any of the 16 books listed on the USBE Banned Book page. 

For information on what books are not allowed on all K-12 Utah school campuses see here- USBE Library Media 

Our school mission and vision statements on tie-dye background.