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The Beverley Taylor Sorenson Program recently highlighted our very own music teacher- Eric!


Check out the full interview here-

A screenshot of a music teacher and students sitting around large drums.
Open Classroom Rock Ensemble performing on a stage in front of a red curtain.

Rock Ensemble at the 2022 Talent Show

Brown and blue Ukuleles lined up on a table next  a small pumpkin.

Ukuleles ready for action. (2023)

Eric Spreng

Eric Spreng

Elementary Teacher
Open Classroom Middles-school students learning guitar.

Rock Ensemble practice with Eric. (2023)

Music Class Schedules

Coming soon!

Every Winter Solstice, the Open Classroom gathers together to celebrate the Northern Hemisphere tilting back toward the sun...

Student seated at a drum set on the Open Classroom playground.

Often accompanied by drums...

Three seated students playing guitar and Ukuleles on the Open Classroom playground., Ukuleles...

Two students singing surrounded by sound equipment on the Open Classroom playground

...and vocals.

Two students surrounded by sound equipment, singing on the Open Classroom playground.

The assortment of instruments may change over the years, but the music and the Earth keep on going. Pictures by Lena Foster (December 2022)

More information:

Our current music department has been graciously sponsored by the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program.


Our school mission and vision statements on tie-dye background.